Losing a substantial amount of weight, excessive sun damage or simply growing older can cause the skin on the inner part of the thighs to become loose and even wrinkled. Unfortunately, no amount of skin treatment can improve this problem. The only way to re-establish a smoother, more attractive line is with thigh reduction surgery.
  What Is Thigh Reduction?
In thigh reduction surgery, excess wrinkled skin, as well as fat are removed from the upper thigh and inner thigh to firm and tighten the area. The procedure leaves a scar that begins in the groin area, runs across the inside of the thigh and then under the crease of the buttock. In cases where there is significant excess loose skin on the inner aspect of the thigh going almost to the level of the knee, additional surgery must be done to contour the area properly. This results a vertical scar on the inside of the thigh
  More Information
  What to expect from thigh reduction
Thigh reduction is usually done under general anaesthesia. It may be performed as a day case or you may spend a night in hospital after your procedure. As part of your operation, the surgeon may perform liposuction on the inner part of the thigh to reduce volume and mobilize the skin.

An incision is made in the groin crease or the groin crease and inner thigh, the upper part of the skin is undermined and the excess skin is trimmed. Suspension sutures are then used to attach the skin to the groin area and the wounds are closed either with or without drains. The incisions are covered with dressings and a compression garment may be used.
  Surgical Recovery
  Recovery from Thigh Reduction
Thigh reduction surgery is not usually associated with a significant amount of pain. However, painkillers should be used regularly during the first week to make wound care more comfortable and help you begin gentle activity.
  During your recovery there are several things you should know:
    • After this kind of surgery it is especially important to take proper care of your wound to reduce the possibility of infection. Although oral antibiotics will be prescribed, you will need to use an antiseptic wash on the wound area whenever you use the toilet. Once the area has been washed, a light dressing should be reapplied to the area and held in place by a compression garment or support hose.
    • You will need to avoid exercise for the first month after surgery to avoid irritating the wounds in your groin crease. You should be able to resume normal activities, including exercise, gradually after the first month.
    • If you work in an office you should be able to return to your job in about a week to 10 days.
    • You will have four or five office visits after surgery to monitor your progress. In most instances, the scars settled as relatively fine lines, but on occasion they may require treatment if there is a tendency for the scars to build up thickness.
  Care & Aftercare
  The stitches you have if not dissolving need removing. Occasionally a small piece of stitch may remain and need removing at subsequent follow-up visit.
You must keep your dressing as dry as possible until your follow up appointment.
Swelling and bruising may be severe.

Immediately after surgery there will be occasionally dramatic swelling, which means you may be alarmed that your thigh still appears large. SEROMA will have been discussed preoperatively and may require drainage in out-patients. If you feel fluid is collecting or extreme swelling, please contact the surgeon. Swelling will decrease over the next 6 - 12 months.

Please bear in mind that we will endeavor to give you the thigh reduction you desire, but it may be that to obtain the desired reduction in size, this may compromise wound healing as well as shape of the thigh. This will have been discussed with you at your initial consultation and in your pre operative discussion on the day of surgery. The operation we have performed is to ensure a SAFE and NATURAL result.

Scarring is always an issue and hopefully your scarring will be reasonable. If scarring is an issue we will advise you to correct this with scar reducing creams, silicone gels and silicone sheet applications as well as with lasers. We have IPL VL as well as CO2 Fractional lasers with us and our experience over last 10 years has shown that all freshly formed scars if exposed to IPL VL periodically every three weeks become finer and merge nicely with surrounding skin. Any corrective surgery if required will only be undertaken when post operative swelling settles which may be after 9 - 12 months.
At your follow up appointment you will be given further advice regarding scar massage.
  Abdominal Liposuction
  Abdominal Reduction
  Thigh Reduction
  Breast Augmentation
  Breast Reduction
  Male Breast Reduction
  Facial Implant
  Nose Surgery
  Eyelid Surgery
  Dimple Creation
  Lip Enhancement
  Earlobe Surgery