  Enhance Your Appearance with Facial Implants

The appearance of your face is determined by three basic components: skin, soft tissues including muscles and underlying facial bones. Out of these three, it is the bony skeleton that primarily determines the proportions between various components of the face towards its beautifulness. Defined facial features and visible contours along with natural angles and curves that are proportionate collectively create a structural balance in your face leading to a more attractive appearance.

The bony structure of the face can be disproportionate by birth i.e. congenital defect or might have been altered by trauma or a previous surgery. For example, if the nose has a saddle like depression, the chin is small and / or recessed, the jaw lacks definition or cheeks are flat or even sunken, then it significantly affects the look and personality.

If an unattractive nose, a small chin, a weak jaw or lack of facial contour is bothering you then plastic surgery with facial implants may be of benefit to you. While any area of the face can be augmented with implants; nose, chin, cheekbones and jaw are the most common sites for facial implants. Facial implants bring balance and better proportion to the structural appearance of the face. They define the face by increasing projection and creating more distinct features.

  More Information

The decision to have facial implant surgery is extremely personal and you’ll have to decide if the benefits will achieve your goals and if the risks and potential complications are acceptable. Your cosmetic surgeon and/or staff will explain in detail the risks associated with surgery. You will be asked to sign an informed consent form to ensure that you fully understand the procedure you will undergo, the alternatives available and the most likely risks and potential complications.

Facial implants can reconstruct, augment or rejuvenate the face. Its reconstructive properties are used to correct birth defects but their commonest use as an augmentative and rejuvenative material is to restore facial harmony in people who have less than normal projection of facial features.

Facial implants are specially manufactured solid, biocompatible materials available in a wide range of styles and sizes designed to enhance or augment the physical structure of the face. The precise type and size of implants best suited for you; requires an evaluation of your goals, the features you wish to correct and your surgeon‘s judgment.

Nose implants can be straight or ‘L‘ shaped. They augment and straighten the dorsal bridge of the nose, elevate the tip and make it more prominent.

Chin implants can increase the size and projection of a chin that does not project in proportion with the forehead and mid-face. A small or recessed chin can also be described as one that seems to disappear into the neck of an individual of normal weight, rather than appearing as a distinct facial feature. They are available only for central projection, also with side extensions to give a broader look to the chin. Even they come with a central dimple for that cute look preffered by many males. A cosmetic plastic surgeon may recommend a chin implant to a person having cosmetic nose surgery i.e. rhinoplasty done. The purpose here is to provide facial proportion, as the size of the chin may influence how the nose looks.

Jaw implants mainly used in males; increase the width of the lower third of the face. Much like the chin, a weak jaw can be thought of as one that is not well-defined and distinct from the neck, or one that slopes rather than angles from the ear to the chin. In some cases, implant augmentation of both the chin and jaw can correct the facial imbalance.

Cheek implants increase the projection of the cheekbones. They add volume to areas which may be recessed or flat and make the cheeks look larger, higher or fuller.

If symmetry among facial features is part of your goal, facial implants may be recommended to augment more than one facial region. It is important to remember that all of our faces are asymmetric to some degree and your results may not be completely symmetric. The goal is to create balance and proportion. Your procedure may be performed alone, or as a complement to other facial contouring procedures such as nose or ear surgery.

What to expect during your consultation

The success and safety of facial implant procedure depends very much on your complete candidness during the consultation. You’ll be asked a number of questions about your health, desires and lifestyle.

Be prepared to discuss:

  • Why you want the surgery, your expectations and desired outcome
  • Medical conditions, drug allergies and medical treatments
  • Use of current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drugs
  • Previous surgeries

Your surgeon may also:
  • Evaluate your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
  • Take photographs for medical record
  • Discuss different options and recommend a course of treatment

Discuss likely outcomes of facial implant surgery and any risks or potential complications

Terminology to know

  • Biocompatible materials: Synthetic or natural materials used as implants and designed to function along with living tissues.
  • Local anesthesia: A drug injected directly to the site of an incision during an operation to relieve pain.
  • Intravenous sedation: Sleeping agents administered by injection into a vein to help you relax while operating under local anesthesia.
  • General anesthesia: A method of anesthesia using intravenous drugs and/or gases used during an operation to relieve pain and alter consciousness.
  • Intraoral incisions: Surgical incisions made inside the mouth.
  • External incisions: Surgical incisions made on the visible surface of the skin which usually leave a fine line scar.

  • Be sure to ask questions

    It‘s very important to ask your cosmetic surgeon questions about your procedure. It is natural to feel some anxiety, whether due to excitement for your anticipated new look or a bit of preoperative stress. Don‘t be shy about discussing these feelings with your cosmetic surgeon.

    Things to consider before having facial implants

    Before you opt for facial implants, there are some important issues to keep in mind:

    • Some facial implants are made from silicone. Concerns have been raised about the safety of silicone implants. Currently, there is no clear scientific evidence that silicone is a harmful substance.
    • Think about the financial cost. Cosmetic surgery does not usually qualify for rebates from Mediclaim, Medicare or private health insurance.
    • Smokers are at increased risk of complications. If you are serious about undergoing cosmetic surgery, you should try to quit smoking.

      Risks and Limitations
    Some of the risks include:
    • Poor healing of incisions & unfavourable or excess scarring
    • Infection with possibility of revision surgery
      Care & Aftercare
      What should I expect immediately after the Facial Implant Surgery?

    After the operation, you may expect:

    • Mild pain or discomfort
    • To be given antibiotics to prevent infection
    • To have the wound protected with tape and dressings
    • Swelling and bruising
    • Numbness of the area

    How I Care for Myself when I go Home?

    Self care after a facial implant operation

    Following your physician’s instructions is key to the success of your surgery. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to care for yourself. Be guided by your surgeon, but general self-care suggestions include:

    • Postoperative bruising and swelling and mild to moderate discomfort for a day or two is common.
    • Expect some soreness and swelling for a few weeks.
    • It is important that the surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive force, abrasion or motion during the time of healing.
    • Avoid any trauma to the wounds for example, do not rub at them.
    • Regarding mouth hygiene if you have incision inside your mouth for example, you may be advised to use mouthwash rather than a toothbrush for a while.
    • Eat soft food while your mouth wounds heal.
    • Expect to be back at work within a week if no other procedure besides facial implant surgery was performed, as recovery is generally rapid.
    • Strenuous activity and rough contact to the implant area must be avoided for 4 to 6 weeks.
    • Report any bleeding, severe pain or unusual symptoms to your surgeon.

    Are there any complications?
    • Reactions to drugs tell your surgeon if you ever had a bad reaction or side effects from any medications, including anaesthetics.
    • Reduced ability to move your mouth and lips this is usually temporary
    • Difficulty talking or smiling for several weeks
    • Inflamed, itchy scar
    • Temporary or permanent areas of numbness or altered sensation
    • Shifting of the implant is another possibility in the immediate post op period. Should the implant become slightly misaligned, it can be repositioned but needs to be done within days and not weeks later. If brought to the surgeon‘s notice very late then a second procedure may be necessary to reposition it.
    • As with any surgical procedure, infection may occur. If the infection persists, the implant may have to be removed and replaced at a later date

    Results and outlook

    The final results of your facial implant surgery will be long-lasting; however the initial healing phase may include localized swelling, discoloration, numbness or discomfort. In addition, facial movements may be temporarily restricted or impaired. These are common and subside over next few days to weeks.

    The practice of medicine and surgery is not an exact science. Although good results are expected, there is no guarantee. In some situations, it may not be possible to achieve optimal results with a single surgical procedure and another surgery may be necessary.

      Is it right for me?

    Plastic surgery with facial implants is best performed on people whose head and skull have reached physical maturity, which generally occurs in late adolescence. This procedure is a good option for you if:

    • You are physically healthy
    • You have a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for improvement of facial contours
    • You do not smoke

    Where will my surgery be performed?

    At our center facial implant surgery is performed in an ISO 9001:2008 accredited surgical facility at The Prakruti Hospital under a special ‘Implant Protocol‘. Our assisting staff will fully attend to your comfort and safety.

    When your procedure is finished, bandages or dressings may be applied to keep the surgical site clean and to support the position of the implant during initial healing.

    You will be given specific instructions that may include: How to care for your face following surgery, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection, and when to follow-up with your cosmetic surgeon.

    How am I Prepared for surgery?

      Prior to surgery, you may be asked to:
    • Get lab testing and / or a medical evaluation done
    • Take certain medications or adjust your current medications
    • Stop smoking well in advance of surgery
    • Avoid taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding
    • Get a dental check up, scaling and any cavities or gum infections treated.

      Special instructions you receive will cover:
    • What to do on the day of surgery
    • The use of anesthesia during your procedure
    • Post-operative care and follow-up

    Grossly, what are the steps of surgery?

    The procedure follows a similar pattern for all facial areas. The surgeon makes a small incision near where the implant will be placed, either in a crease or inside the mouth at the gum-lip junction. Then a pocket is made in the facial tissues, the implant inserted, and the incision is closed with stitches. The process generally takes 1-2 hours, with general anesthesia. The incision is bandaged or taped, and stitches are removed in 5-10 days (sutures placed inside the mouth will dissolve in a similar period of time). Sometimes facial implants are inserted at the same time as a facelift; nose or eyelid procedure is performed.

    What are the Benefits of Facial Implant surgery?
    • Generally performed as a day care surgical procedure.
    • Return to work and other normal activity within a week.
    • Adds aesthetically pleasing contour to the face.
    • Results are seen immediately.

    Are Facial Implant Surgery results permanent?
    • Results are essentially permanent, particularly with synthetic materials like silicone
    • Implant results will be semi-permanent if human tissue is used because there may be some resorption and the tissue will age over the years.

    How much will facial implant surgery cost?

    Cost is always a consideration in cosmetic surgery. Prices for facial implant procedures can vary widely. A surgeon’s operation charges for facial implants may vary based on his or her experience, the type of procedure done, as well as geographic location.

    Cost may include:

    • Pre-Op Medical tests
    • Implant cost
    • Anesthesia fees
    • Surgeon’s fee
    • Hospital or surgical facility costs
    • Prescriptions for medication
    • Post-surgery garments

    Your satisfaction involves more than a fee

    When choosing a cosmetic plastic surgeon for facial implants, remember that the surgeon‘s experience and your comfort with him or her are just as important as the final cost of the surgery.

    Will the cost of facial implant surgery born by the health insurance?

    Most health insurance plans will not cover facial implant surgery, related complications or another surgery to revise the appearance of your face. You must carefully review your health insurance policy.

    Long-term outlook after facial implant surgery?

    Even though the majority of the swelling disappears within a week, some of the skin swelling may take a long time to reduce and therefore you may not be able to see your new natural look for about six months after the surgery. The new change should be subtle but noticeable.

      ‘Our results are so natural
      that everyone will notice,
      no one will know!‘

      Are there any alternatives to facial implants?

    There are no medical alternatives to facial implants that can reshape the nose, cheeks or chin to the extent the implants do. Weight loss or weight gain, however, may change the shape of your face. Autologous fat filling may be an alternative for smaller defects. Talking to a counsellor or psychologist may help you overcome your anxiety and concerns about your appearance and you may decide that you like yourself the way you are.

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